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The first step of our evaluation process is to pinpoint the specific areas your child is struggling with reading using a comprehensive reading assessment. Your child will meet with a
LICENSED educational professional who will help your family find the right reading path!

Reading Together

Reading Mastery Evaluation

Our reading evaluation will identify specific strengths and weaknesses in reading skills to plan targeted remediation. We will determine reading strategies and which reading strategies to teach.  We will evaluate struggling readers and screen for reading readiness. Our licensed staff will help guide the educational selection and placement decisions with parents each step of the way! 

Learning to Read

Dyslexia Screening

Our Dyslexia screening is designed to provide sound, reliable scores for identifying the risk for dyslexia among students.  Your child will be given a Dyslexia Index score to screen for dyslexia and identify who may benefit from a more comprehensive evaluation or a more intensive intervention approach which our DICE team can provide! 

Color Contacts

 Irlen Syndrome Screening

Irlen® Syndrome ( Scotopic Sensitivity) (SSS) is a perceptual problem that prevents an estimated 12–15% of the population from being able to learn, read, or study efficiently.  After the Irlen Syndrome screening you will know if your child has the syndrome, how severe they are, and what distortions they have. At this time your child will see if colored overlays over the page will help to treat and alleviate the problems. 

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